Every state in the union has some pretty cool features to their agriculture. Arizona is no exception. This $23.3 billion dollar-Arizona industry generates true economic growth by simply adding sun, seed, soil, and water … and a bit more. But the core ingredients for successful farming and ranching exist in Arizona.

  • Arizona farmers are planting and harvesting 12 months out of the year due to 300+ days of sunshine.
  • Arizona Agriculture boasts the largest number of female farmers in America.
  • All 15 counties host cattle on land within the 15 counties.
  • We are typically only second to California when it comes to the production of leafy greens like spinach, Romaine, broccoli and more.
  • Arizona is popular for its Desert Durum ® Wheat, recognized on the world stage, especially in Italy. 
  • Arizona has the largest concentration of American Indian Farmers in the Nation. 

Arizona can grow almost anything … well, except soybeans. And there’s more, but these facts are great highlights.