Get Involved

Organized by Arizona Farm Bureau Federation...

YF&R is a committee-centered, fully integrated part of Farm Bureau at the county, state and national level. Young people who choose to focus their lives in agricultural careers can enhance their potential for success by becoming active in Young Farmers and Ranchers early in their adult life.

The Arizona Farm Bureau Agriculture in the Classroom Program develops and implements curriculum and programs, aligned to the state learning standards, to help students and teachers be successful, while increasing agricultural awareness in K-12 classrooms and beyond.

The mission of the Arizona Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership is to develop women's individual talents as leaders through involvement in a variety of programs. These programs are directed toward leadership development, political influence, and promotion of Arizona Agriculture through education in the classroom and in the community.

Arizona Farm Bureau provides several scholarship opportunities through the counties and other venues.

Arizona has a listing of Farmers Markets near you, that provide fresh, quality produce from local farmers.

Arizona Farm Bureau's Agriculturalist Speakers' Bureau is a non-profit program focused on educating the consumer about agriculture practices, food safety and locally grown foods.

Arizona Farm Bureau's Educational Farming Company's mission is to educate the public of all ages about the importance of Arizona's agriculture through educational programs.