Please help us show that agriculture education is needed in schools and that agriculture is a thriving industry that will require a workforce long into the future. We all know everyone has to eat; we are grateful that we all utilize our amazing fibers, and we are thankful for our amazing landscapes! It is important that we tell agriculture’s story and showcase the need for a skilled workforce now and into the future.

Career and Technical (CTE) Programs are an integral part of high schools. They not only provide students with hands-on industry applicable skills but also assure that there will always be knowledgeable and skilled workers in the pipeline. We need your help to make sure that agriculture remains a valuable and supported CTE program in schools.

The Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity has released its 2024 Arizona Career & Technical Education Survey to provide insight into the hiring practices of industry. Your participation in this short survey will improve how Arizona’s high school career and technical education (CTE) programs can better serve employers and students in your community. Your feedback will be used to determine which occupations most need further training and certification opportunities at the high school level. Agriculture has historically scored low, and we feel that is because we have not shared our story through this survey. Help us change the narrative! Please take 5 minutes to complete this survey and show that agriculture is currently and will always be a thriving industry! The data collected is extremely important as it determines which CTE programs will be approved.


Thank you for your time and commitment to securing agriculture’s future workforce. Please share with others that might be beneficial to the cause. Responses will only be collected until August