By Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau: The Arizona Department of Water Resources and Central Arizona Project (CAP) are hosting a Colorado River Shortage Preparedness Workshop* beginning at 9 a.m. and running until noon this coming Wednesday (April 22). You can participate in the workshop via webcast too.
The Arizona agriculture industry, certainly our farmers and ranchers using CAP water, are encouraged to attend. "Water is one of our most important resources," said Arizona Farm Bureau President Kevin Rogers. "This workshop will be a valuable tool for central and southern irrigation districts and the farmers and ranchers represented in those districts."

Details of the Workshop for Arizona Agriculture
Location: Arizona Department of Water Resources, Verde Conference Room
3550 N. Central Ave ~ Phoenix
The agenda includes:
- Colorado River conditions and forecasting
- Shortage declaration process
- When and for whom shortages begin
- CAP customer impacts
- Arizona’s message
If you cannot attend in person, you can attend the workshop
via webcast; please contact Michelle Moreno at
*Meeting open to the public with a focus on CAP water users, including central and southern Arizona cities, industrial users, irrigation districts, and the federal government together with tribal subcontrators.
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