Vice President Shane Burgess has appointed Dr. Ed Martin as Interim Director of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension System, effective June 12.  


Martin has a BS in Agricultural Engineering and an M.S. in Agricultural and Extension Education both from Michigan State University (MSU) in 1984. He joined MSU Extension as an Associate in Extension working on irrigation programs with Michigan farmers, and he concurrently earned his Ph.D. in Agricultural Technology Management.

Ed Martin


Martin has extensive experience in the Arizona Cooperative Extension System: in 1992 he joined the then-Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering as an assistant specialist, in 1998 he was promoted to associate specialist and in 2005 to full rank. In 2007, Martin was appointed Associate Extension Director for Agriculture and Natural Resources. Five years later, he was appointed Maricopa County Cooperative Extension Director. He was honored by our Ag100 Council in 2004 as College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Faculty Member of the Year.


The search committee is reaching out for nominees.