Meet Arizona Agriculture’s Scott Koehn
By Lauren Scott, Arizona Farm Bureau Intern: Scott Koehn’s family has been in the agriculture business for generations. Passed along
Tell us about your farm. My son and I have a little farm and we raise alfalfa primarily under a center pivot system. We also raise about 120-acres of rye grass each year, which we sell retail mostly to horse people. We are located in Cochise County on what is called the Kansas Settlement. It’s south of Willcox about 15 miles. We moved to the land we are on now in 1994. Farming has been in my family history since I don’t know when. My grandpa did it, and so did my dad.
Koehn Hay barn features alfalfa and rye grass.
Will anyone in your family -
Cattle on his son, Josh's, Chiricahua Pasture Raised Meats.
Do you use any farming practices that highlight water conservation, soil health, or other practices instituted to save money and improve the farm? Well, we have center pivots which help with water conservation, and of
What changes have you seen
What is your educational background? No college, I’ve always wanted to farm.
What do you love most about farming? Being outside, working with nature, and also the lifestyle in which to raise a family. Being able to work together. Big city life just doesn’t look attractive to me at all.
Why are you Farm Bureau member? Primarily to get the insurance.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I like to go hiking in the mountains.
How do you think the next generation of agriculturalists
What is the best business advice you have ever given or received? The best way to learn is a hands-on approach. Start small and work into it.