Membership Matters: Another Way to Meet Arizona Farmers and Ranchers
By Peggy Jo Goodfellow, Arizona Farm Bureau: A unique member benefit to Farm Bureau members is Fence Line, an Arizona Agriculturalist Speakers’ Bureau aimed at educating and informing you and me about Arizona agriculture and locally-grown food.
One of our Arizona Dairy farmers, Wes Kerr, presenting on "Genetic Made Easy" during a conference.
It’s reassuring to me that these farmers and ranchers are ready to share their story and their passion for agriculture. Thomas Edison said, “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” This truism is lived out daily with our Arizona farmers and ranchers. Having personally met so many of them, I can share firsthand that they exemplify Edison’s insights.
Plus, I love to eat! So knowing that there are 4 and 5 generations of farmer and rancher families here in Arizona that work hard to produce the foods I love, makes me feel good about what I feed my family.
Some topics covered by Fence Line speakers:
- Agriculture is Everyone’s Bread and Butter
- Water in Agricultaure in Arizona
- Arizona Agriculture: Our $17 billion industry
Farmers and ranchers are ready to share their passion and their knowledge about agriculture. You will…
- Enjoy a face-to-face presentation from a farmer or rancher from your area.
- Learn about agriculture and dispel any concerns you may have about how your food is grown.
- Hear from speakers that work in some form of agriculture everyday so they have first hand knowledge of their topic.
Each of these speakers represents one or more of the top 16 agricultural commodities grown in Arizona. Speakers are selected for their knowledge, experience and desire to talk with you about agriculture.
And it’s FREE! If the meeting includes a meal, we ask that you feed the speaker. For more information, email or call 480.635.3609.
Editor’s note: For more information on our member benefits including our regional benefits go to Arizona Farm Bureau’s member benefits page online. Or, download the Member Benefits app to your smart phone for easy, everyday access to your benefits.