By Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau: The Citrus Health Summit 2015, hosted by the Arizona Department of Agriculture (ADA) is next week and Arizona citrus growers are encouraged to attend. Those who cannot attend in person would be able to conference in.

Nationally, Arizona ranks second in the production of lemons. Lemons and tangerines brought in nearly $56 million to the state in the 2013/14 production year. 

ADA established a conference line for those who would like to participate in the Citrus Summit 2015 (agenda) on Tuesday, April 28th from 10am -12pm but may not be able to attend in person. 

The call-in information is as follows:

Dial-in: 877-820-7831

Passcode: 578741#

Please contact Associate Director of ADA G. John Caravetta with any questions.You can call him at 602.542.0996 or email him at

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