By Peggy Jo Goodfellow with contributions by Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau: Last year, we ran an article about how to keep New Year’s resolution. This year we revisit the topic with some updates.

It's a New Year! What's your set of resolutions and are your prepared to keep them?

New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep past the first two weeks of the New Year. This year don’t hang your head in shame if you’re struggling to keep yours, instead vow to make changes you can keep. We all have something we’d like to do better, whether it’s a desire to feel better, be more organized or save time and money.

For busy families, getting more done in less time is a must. When it comes to financial and insurance issues, one of the best ways to save time and energy is to use one agent for all of your needs. This “one-stop shopping” can save you time, and it may save you money, too.

As a member of Farm Bureau you can take advantage of your insurance benefit. Farm Bureau Financial Services offers discounts to customers who insure their home and auto together, plus breaks for having both a life policy and an auto policy. Having all of your policies with one agent also can improve your service—you have one agent who knows you and your family—and helps eliminate the gaps in your coverage that might occur if you had different agents, or different insurers handling your assets.

Your agent can offer a wealth of products and services that lets Farm Bureau Financial Services grow right along with your family, from birth to retirement. Talk to your Farm Bureau agent today about how he or she can help you save time and money.

In the meantime, here is a simple list of rules to help you keep your 2016 resolutions.

  1. Keep any new goals or resolutions simple.
  2. Keep your resolutions attainable. Don’t set a goals in 2016 to run a marathon before summer if you’ve never run a marathon. Maybe first set a goal to run a 5K run and then advance from there.
  3. Mark them down in a notebook you keep with you or put your list of resolutions in the “Notes” section of your smart phone.
  4. Review your resolutions weekly to assess where you’re at.
  5. In fact, set calendar reminders that ping you periodically as to where you wish to be with the new resolution.
  6. Have fun! What kills motivation is missing target dates or realizing some of your goals are not compatible with you schedule. To turn this around, give yourself an “Off day” of “cheat” day. For example, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds, on you “Off Day” or “cheat” day, treat yourself to your favorite food for one meal.
  7. Forgive yourself for lapses in your efforts.

 Sometimes, setting a new resolution with family can help build commitment since the entire family is in on the effort together. You’re able to cheer each other on. In the meantime, enjoy the year as it unfolds.

 Editor’s note: For more information on our member benefits including our regional benefits go to Arizona Farm Bureau’s member benefits page online. Or, download the Member Benefits app (FB Benefits) to your smart phone for easy, everyday access to your benefits. Also, visit or call 480-635-3600 to find an agent near you.

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