Arizona Farm Bureau's 96th Annual Convention takes place November 1, 2 and 3 at the Mesa Convention Center in Mesa. Themed “Economics of Arizona Farming & Ranching: Does it Add Up,” our speaker lineup will help you decide to register.

Farm Bureau farm and ranch members from around Arizona will set policy, elect leaders, hear informational and political speakers, attend awards and recognition events and learn about the latest agriculture products at the Ag Trade Show. 

But our speakers will give us some real insights about economic conditions including farm family succession planning. The lineup promises to be worth your invested time at this year’s convention.

Secured Speakers

Keynote, Thursday 11:00am, November 2: Mark J. Valentine , Esq. Lead Attorney for Valentine and Valentine in Tucson.

Valentine is a certified specialist in estates and trusts, and has been advising clients as a lawyer regarding Estate, Tax, Real Estate and Business Planning for nearly 30 years.  With a flair for humor and explaining significant and complex issues through stories, he helps audiences grasp how significant a family’s years of hard work to accumulate personal assets must be preserved to pass on a legacy to the next generation, rather than have hard-earned assets be consumed by estate taxes, creditors, predators and probate expenses. His firm’s goal is to ensure that farm and ranch families have a solid plan to protect their wealth and legacies.

Friday Speaker Lineup, November 3:

Early Bird Speaker (6:45): Mark Killian , Arizona Department of Agriculture Director

8:00AM – Four-member Commodity Panel to Discuss Current and Future Economic conditions in respective areas.

·         Paul Rovey , Officer National Dairy Management, Inc. and President of UDA

·         Jay Whetten, President , Arizona Cattle Grower’s

·         Steve Alameda, President , Yuma Fresh Vegetable Association

·         Paco Ollerton, President , Arizona Cotton Growers

9:00AM – Young Farmer and Rancher Discussion Meet Competition

10:05AM – Release of Economic Report by U of A CALS Economic Team

11:00AM – Arizona Farm Bureau Election of State Board Officers

This year’s lineup of speakers promises to be a solid mix of professionals that help us sort out our economic challenges in farm and ranch country and prepare for a successful future. You need to be where the action takes place November 1, 2 and 3.

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