By Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau: For many, their membership in Arizona Farm Bureau means so much. Find out why this Yuma vegetable grower is part of the Arizona Farm Bureau family:


"Our agriculture producer members, combined with the supporting associate members, provide the grassroots strength of this powerful "voice of agriculture," that is Farm Bureau.  And that voice comes from all of our hearts with a level of honest and integrity that shines through locally, in our state capitals, in Washington, D.C. and abroad, moving agriculture and our nation on to greater prosperity.

"Out of many farms, ranches and communities: one strong and steady voice, for the basic industry we all depend on for the clothes on our back and our next meal, the world over.  You should become a Farm Bureau member for all of these reasons, and many more. I did."

John Boelts

Yuma, Arizona

Produce Grower

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