This election we have two very capable and recognizable candidates for the Arizona Senate Seat from District 8. Both are great supporters of Arizona agriculture and have extensive history with this industry.

Frank Pratt and Barbara McGuire

The challenge for voters in this district will be to pick the candidate they believe will best serve them and the agriculture industry in the future.

So, Arizona Farm Bureau reached out to the two candidates and asked them for 200 to 300 words on why they are the candidate to serve as Arizona Senator from District 8.

Frank Pratt

Republican Candidate for Arizona Senate, District 8

I have personally worked in farming for more than 25 years and owned and operated my own farm for 20 years. Farming was my passion and my life for many years and provided me with great insights into the issues farmers and those in the agricultural industry face on a daily basis.

My brother and nephews still own and operate a farm in Arizona. This agricultural background and experience has been critically important as a State Representative for one of the rural Districts in Arizona. As someone who was born, raised, and lived my entire life in rural Arizona, I know and understand the issues that are so important to the people of my district. One of our most important industries in Arizona, and the District I represent, is agriculture.

During my time at the State Capitol I have been Chairman of the Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Co-Chairman of the Water and Agriculture Committee, as well as a member of the Rural and Economic Development Committee. I have sponsored, Co-sponsored and voted for many important pieces of legislation that have had a very positive effect on the agricultural community.

My commitment to agriculture is ongoing and unwavering. Your support and your vote for Frank Pratt for Senate in Legislative District 8 will ensure that agriculture has a knowledgeable and strong supporter of the men and women who work so hard in agriculture. It truly has been an honor to represent the people of rural Arizona for the past several years and I look forward to continuing my service as a State Senator.

Barbara McGuire

Democratic Candidate for Arizona Senate, District 8

As a State Senator and proud Farm Bureau member who represents a rural and agriculture-dependent district, I understand the issues that are important to our communities. As a 4-H member, I learned early about the importance of farming and also the hard work that goes into it by helping my uncle with daily chores on his farm in Coolidge. As a young girl, my mother worked in the cotton fields at Picacho during WWII. Her stories about this always remind me of the far-reaching importance and proud legacy of agriculture in Arizona. 

In the Arizona Legislature, I have been a friend to the Farm Bureau and agriculture community. I have worked to pass bipartisan legislation that is beneficial to our communities, and worked tirelessly to oppose harmful legislation.

I trust and value the friendships that I have made over the years with Farm Bureau leaders and fellow members. Keeping an ongoing dialogue with these friends has helped me to do my job better. When it comes to issues like guest worker programs, tax reform, protection of water and property rights, and fighting against federal overreach, I am proud to stand with my constituents and the agricultural community.

Arizona’s farmers are some of the hardest working in the world, and we must ensure that they have the ability to sell more of their goods free of unnecessary obstacles. This is one of the best things we can do to support the economy of our rural communities. As an experienced legislator who works across the aisle, I have been able to advocate for Ranchers and Farmers at both the federal level and state level. Once again I ask for your support and your vote on November 8th. You can visit my website at

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