Your Input Needed: USDA Launches Public Inquiry on Input Markets
The USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) invites interested persons to submit written comments in its request for public comments aimed at addressing farmers’ and ranchers’ growing concerns regarding seeds and agricultural inputs, fertilizer, and retail markets. The requests for information stem from the July 9, from the July 9, 2021, Executive Order on “Promoting Competition in the American Economy.” The full federal register notices can be found at the following links: Fertilizer, Seed, and Retail.
Each of the federal notices lists a series of questions relating to competition, intellectual property, and market access. The comment period is open until May 16, 2022. Individuals can comment directly through the Federal Register docket, or you can share your responses with Arizona Farm Bureau to help inform the comments we prepare. If you have questions or would like to share your responses, please email or call (480) 635-3614.