Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau: Arizona Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom program continues to roll out new educational material. From our development and implementation of state-standard aligned curriculum to personalized presentations covering a variety of topics, we continue to provide educational information about Arizona agriculture to thousands and thousands of Arizona students annually.

But I’m really excited about our latest endeavors, specifically three new presentations that are now online: Misconceptions of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Animal Welfare. Ag Education Associate Director Katie Aikins developed the newest one, “Biotech What the Heck?” just this last fall. Having discovered overnight their popularity, Aikins just completed putting Biotech and the other two presentations online at Arizona Farm Bureau’s azfb.org website.

The three presentations include voiceover so that the viewer simply has to advance each slide and listen to Aikins present on these very important topics to Arizona agriculture and agriculture in general. Because the files are so big (hey, we have lots of very valuable content in each presentation!) for now, each presentation is broken into 2 parts. If you elect to view the presentations, you’ll have to click “slide show” view to see the presentation with the voice over. We hope this does not confuse people, though we’re confident teachers will know what to do.

Also, it takes 30 to 45 seconds to download once you click on the link due to the large file sizes. Be patient, it’s worth the wait. And, if you’re showing the presentation to a group you’ll need to know this beforehand.

While I’ve linked directly to the page in this blog article, remember to go to azfb.org and select “Programs” in the brown-colored bar. Then from programs, select “Agriculture in the Classroom” in the green box. Select “Teacher resources” then “classroom presentations.” Scroll down to links under Jr. High and High School Presentations. From there you’ll see the 3 hyperlinked presentations. 

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