Just a reminder for ag producers in Pinal County, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is asking commercial farmers, dairy, feedlot, and irrigation districts to complete and submit a 3-year Expanded Survey to the Arizona Department of Agriculture.  The completed survey will detail the best management practices implemented this calendar year and submitted by January 31, 2018.

Air quality issues are a top priority and help ensure everyone's health.

The survey provides ADEQ with data that will meet the EPA’s reporting requirement and timeline for their National Emissions Inventory.  All data will be submitted to ADEQ without reference to a producer’s name, making all information supplied anonymous to all regulatory agencies.

For your convenience, you can find a fillable survey on the Arizona Department of Agriculture’s web-site at the following link https://agriculture.az.gov/trainingassistance/agriculture-air-quality

For more information or hard copies of the survey contact Rusty Van Leuven at 602-542-3484 or email at rvanleuven@azda.gov