One of the highlights of the Farm Bureau year is your County Annual Meeting. Members can spend time with fellow farmers and ranchers from their area, hear from a speaker or two, and work on solutions for the issues affecting agriculture. In addition, members get to elect leaders for their county Farm Bureau as well as who will represent them as delegates at the state annual convention in November.

Our 14 active Farm Bureau counties will all gather in person this year. Invites will be coming out soon. 

Once a suggested solution is approved by your fellow members as official Farm Bureau policy at the County Annual Meeting, you are no longer a single voice in the field. You now have the power of the Farm Bureau behind you, and that is a formidable force for getting things done.

John Boelts is 1st vice-president of the Arizona Farm Bureau and chair of the Policy Development Committee. “Farm Bureau is the Voice of Agriculture because we speak for our members. I encourage all Ag members to have their voices heard by attending their county’s Annual Meeting,” says Boelts.

County Annual Meeting information is available online at in the Calendar of Events under the Events tab. Be sure to log in with your username and password as the information is only available to current Farm Bureau members.