Belonging makes a difference. That’s why as a Farm Bureau member, you have access to many valuable benefits and special advantages right at your fingertips. In the past several weeks, our series of articles about the app have shown you how-to download the FB Benefits App and how-to work through potential trouble spots. This third article describes the many perks to having the FB Benefits app on your phone.


Here are eight advantages your free FB Benefits app includes:


  1. Your Farm Bureau membership card. 

  2. Your Farm Bureau Financial Services insurance card.

  3. Browse by category of benefits, such as automotive, entertainment, or dining.

  4. Browse by name. Check on a local business to see if they offer a discount to Farm Bureau members.

  5. Browse by map.  Here you can check the map for benefits near your location or enter the zip code of a different area.

  6. A “Search” option that allows you to view a list of all your member benefits.

  7. Important contact information of the state benefit coordinator, personal and commercial lines policy questions and to report a claim.

  8. Convenient access to all your benefits 24 hours-a-day, 7-days a week.


Want the most from your Farm Bureau membership? Download the FB Benefits App today!



Editor’s note: For more information on our member benefits including our regional benefits go to Arizona Farm Bureau’s member benefits page online. Or, download the Member Benefits app to your smart phone for easy, everyday access to your benefits.