Worn tires are dangerous!  Added to that, the summer heat here in the desert southwest is brutal on tires. When the outside temperature hits 105 degrees, the road temperatures can be 15 to 20 degrees hotter. Keeping your tires in optimal condition year-round is as simple as these three easy steps:  


1.        Check the tire pressure and tread depth monthly

2.        Have the tires rotated every 5000 to 6000 miles

3.        Have your alignment checked every 6 months.


One of the most important safety checks on your tires is a pressure reading and tread depth measurement. According to Haralson Tire in Safford AZ, a Farm Bureau local member benefit provider. tires need to be checked monthly to keep them at peak performance.  


Monthly tire checks should include:


·       Using a quarter, measure the tread depth of your tires.  If the top of Washington’s head is exposed the tread depth is less than 4/32nds of an inch, making it time to start shopping for new tires.

·       Using a quality gauge, check tire pressure when your tires are cold.  The recommended air pressure is in the vehicle’s owner’s manual and on the information decal usually located inside the driver’s door or glove compartment.


The psi number molded into the tire sidewall is the specifications for a tire carrying its maximum-rated payload and is not recommended for normal operating conditions.


Replace worn tires immediately to keep you and your family safe. Farm Bureau members can receive a benefit discount at over 30 businesses listed under the automotive category on the azfb.org websie and the FB Benefits App.



Editor’s note: For more information on our member benefits including our regional benefits go to Arizona Farm Bureau’s member benefits page online. Or, download the Member Benefits app to your smart phone for easy, everyday access to your benefits.