29 Reasons Arizona Agriculture Farmers & Ranchers Are Farm Bureau Members
By Julie Murphree and Justen Ollendick, Arizona Farm Bureau: I know why I’m a member of Arizona Farm Bureau: the organization supports our state’s farmers,
Question: Why Are You a Farm Bureau Member?
Chad Cullison: Because of what they stand for. I like that they advocate for farmers like me, that don’t have the time to drive up and voice my concerns or needs. I also love that they have an educational program that advocates
Angie Newbold: Farm Bureau is a true grassroots organization. It gives us a chance to have a voice in the process that outlines our industry.
Mark Claridge: Years ago, I was talking to a fellow farmer. I told him that in our valley that agriculture needs to be promoted a little more to the public. He took that as an interest in Farm Bureau and it influenced his personal involvement in Farm Bureau. Farm Bureau has a great ability to lobby for our agriculture issues. Debbie added: Farm Bureau has given us a lot of opportunities, especially when Mark was County president, but for both of us to also lobby on behalf of the industry including going back in Washington, D.C. to talk to our Congressional representatives, including lobbying on issues that are pertinent to our community. It’s nice that he and other farmers can have a voice in Washington D.C. about what’s important in our community. For a small community, who knows more about that community than those of us from our farming communities?
Glenn Hickman: Farm Bureau advocates for all of
Brody McGuire: Why am I a Farm Bureau member…? WHY NOT! It’s a lot of good stuff, I am always getting something out of everything that you all do. Being involved in the Young Farmers and Ranchers group is always a good time, to see how agriculture is all over our state is so rewarding!
Arden Palmer: From his Book, "Arden and Mella: A Love
Larry and Cindi Pearson: Farmers need an advocate and the Farm Bureau does just that. Lobbying for farmers to make sure our needs are known and met.
Adam Hatley: I’m active in Farm Bureau because they’re great advocates for farmers and ranchers.
Nancy Caywood: We are members of Farm Bureau because we believe in agriculture. Farm Bureau addresses
Megan Ware: I am a Farm Bureau member because I believe in what they stand for and I have never been let down by this organization or the people involved in it.
Lee Ott: We are Arizona Farm Bureau members because of their efforts to keep lawmakers informed of agricultural issues and for always fighting for American Agriculture.
Todd Thelander: Farm Bureau fights for Arizona Agriculture. They fight for our property rights, our water rights, and helping move agriculture forward. It means so much to me that agriculture is around for the generations to follow and Farm Bureau is assisting the farmers and ranchers in keeping agriculture around, and a thriving industry.
Sonia Gasho: We got involved in Farm Bureau at the invitation of Ann and Paul Palmer. We were interested because of staying abreast of issues. We stay in Farm Bureau for that reason but also for the legislative lobbying, advocacy for agriculture, it’s
MacKenzie Glenn-Kimbro: It was the right thing to do. The Farm Bureau stands for what is good and right.
Shirley Murdock
Pat Murphree: I haven’t figured that out yet (laughing). No, it keeps us in touch with what’s going on. We’ve always been Farm Bureau members. When in farming we were also always Arizona Cotton Grower members. We’ve seen the value of membership in both of these organizations. It’s good to be commodity-specific to keep updated on changes in your agriculture
Richard Neely Morrison: From my
Harry Sloan: Farm Bureau members help to encourage understanding in the general public where food actually comes from. There are benefits for places you shop at, but most of all, we love what Farm Bureau stands for. We have been members for 40+ years, and love it.
Korin Creech: I could get insurance somewhere else but everything about Farm Bureau is based and geared to farm life and the unique aspects of farm and ranch businesses. I can call anytime and there are resources galore.
Bill Kerr: They helped me out with some issues a few years ago. Farm Bureau helped me to get heavily involved and enabled me to speak to various groups in public. I believe all these
Jenna Anderson: Farm Bureau is
Sharla Mortimer: We have been Farm Bureau Members since 2000. We love to be involved with other people who work the land and can learn tons from each other! The Farm Bureau has a wonderful education program – for youth and adults and helps us to be successful on and off the farm every day!
Travis Johnson: I am a Farm Bureau Member for a couple of reasons; the biggest reason would be to stay involved in helping agriculture progress. I believe it needs a voice!! Another reason is to meet and stay in touch with people that are involved in agriculture.
Jim Hauser: I have been a member for over 50 years. I have been President of Apache County Farm Bureau up here for several years. You definitely meet quality people through the Farm Bureau, that’s for sure!
Sherry Saylor: Farm Bureau has been everything to me from an agricultural standpoint. I’ve often heard it said that you need community and organization to be in a positive group. That’s what we have in Farm Bureau. We have an amazing community; it’s a real family - from young to old - everybody has a place at the table. I just love that aspect of Farm Bureau. I love to see the young leaders coming up and I love to see the older generation still hanging in there. And, everybody needs community.
Jim Graham: I joined Farm Bureau when I began farming in Iowa back in 1973. Admittedly joining was primarily to buy insurance and I didn't take a very active part
Craig Caballero: I believe it is very important to have the voice of the Farm Bureau to support and educate in agriculture. In my mind, we need to stand united in agriculture, period. There once was a time if you were a part of one side of agriculture, the other side almost looked at them as your
Donald Van Hofwegen: Farm Bureau is a great advocate for the dairy industry, they have many resources which we can use to help support our industry. I did join for insurance reasons originally.