Last week, Arizona Farm Bureau President and southern Arizona rancher Stefanie Smallhouse met with Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) and other Members of Congress, stakeholders, and congressional staff in North Texas for agriculture tours and a Western Caucus Foundation Farm Bill Summit in Fort Worth, Texas to discuss the Farm Bill and critical agriculture issues pertinent to the western states.
Arizona Farm Bureau President Stefanie Smallhouse: “The Western U.S. is unique in so many ways. Farmers and ranchers in this region are keenly interested in the next Farm Bill given the importance of Arizona and other western states in our nation’s food security. The Congressional Western Caucus is on the leading edge of gathering feedback from producers. I know Farm Bureau members are very grateful to have the opportunity to voice their concerns about sustainability, risk management, conservation, drought mitigation, and the ag operating environment in general. The respect and influence of the Western Caucus is well reflected by the strong attendance of House and Senate Ag Committee members and staff at the Summit.”

The summit gathered Western Leaders from around the country allowing a western states focus. The discussions were broad and well-received by the Western Caucus.


Additional Comments from other Voices

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller: “My congratulations to Chairman Dan Newhouse and Chairman "GT" Thompson for a successful Western Caucus Summit in Texas last week. I’m confident we will get a good Farm Bill that addresses our concerns about water, property rights and minimal government intervention when it comes to agricultural commerce and production. American agriculture needs an effective and realistic 2023 Farm Bill; thanks to leaders like Newhouse and Thompson, along with Appropriations Chairwoman Kay Granger of Texas, we’ll get the job done for our farmers and ranchers.”
Texas Farm Bureau President Russell Boening: “Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) appreciates the Western Caucus Foundation for coordinating a trip to Texas and having us participate in key discussions about the importance of passing a new Farm Bill. I enjoyed visiting with agricultural leaders and members of Congress about the critical needs of our nations’ hardworking farm and ranch families. We appreciate Chairman Newhouse and Western Caucus members for recognizing the importance of agriculture and the key role farmers and ranchers play in ensuring a stable food supply.”
The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) President and Director of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture Doug Miyamoto: “The Western Caucus ag tour and summit provided an invaluable opportunity for leaders of State Departments of Agriculture to have less formal, more direct discussions with congressional members that were beneficial and productive.”
Washington State Department of Agriculture Director Derek Sandison: “I’m grateful for the work of the Congressional Western Caucus and the role they play in advocating for our western states. Gatherings like the Western Caucus Ag Tour and Summit are critical for understanding and addressing Western states’ challenges, such as agricultural competitiveness, trade, and water availability, as well as to help ensure a strong 2023 Farm Bill.”
Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture Blayne Arthur: “The Western Caucus Ag Summit and Field tour provided a unique opportunity to discuss incredibly important agriculture issues with members of Congress in a true agriculture setting. Having the chance to visit with decision makers as we all work towards a Farm Bill that benefits farmers and ranchers across the United States was invaluable.”
Public Lands Council Executive Director Kaitlynn Glover: “As we move into the upcoming Farm Bill, the Public Lands Council is encouraged by the robust dialogue between the Western Caucus and the House Agriculture Committee. In the West, strong forestry provisions and accessible conservation programs are critical to the cattle and sheep producers who manage millions of acres in these important landscapes. Thank you to Western Caucus Chairman Newhouse, Agriculture Chairman Thompson, and all of the key leaders who are developing a bill that recognizes the important role public lands grazing plays in environmental stewardship and food security.”
American Stewards of Liberty Executive Director Margaret Byfield: “We appreciate Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse, House Agriculture Committee Chair “GT” Thompson, and Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller for the opportunity to offer specific recommendations to the 2023 Farm Bill as it pertains to the Biden administration’s unauthorized 30x30 initiative. We look forward to working with the Western Caucus and House Agriculture Committee members to protect private property rights and strengthen protections for farmers and ranchers nationwide.”
International Fresh Produce Association VP U.S. Government Relations Rebeckah Adcock: “Finding the time and venue to foster meaningful relationships and unforced dialogue between Congressional offices and private sector advocates is rare in DC. The Western Caucus Foundation Ag Summit & Field Tour gave the fresh produce industry the opportunity to learn new ideas and discuss existing issues alongside policymakers in Congress – an especially timely and invaluable experience heading into the next Farm Bill.”