Arizona Ag Leaders Raise $5,000 to Comfort Kids in Cotton
If you’ve had a chronically ill child requiring extended hospital stays, you may remember long drives back and forth, so exhausted at times you don’t recall how you even safely pulled into your car garage on a late night. That was before Ronald McDonald Houses opened. For over 34 years now, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central and Northern Arizona have provided a “home-away-from-home” for families traveling to the Valley for medical care for their children.
But to maintain these homes they’re in constant need of support in the form of financial donations and more. So, the Arizona Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee came to the rescue covering in an area that was right up the alley of Arizona farmers and ranchers, certainly those in the cotton industry.
Arizona Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Campaign, “Comforting Kids in Cotton” represents many years of working with the Ronald McDonald House in a variety of ways; this year the focus was on providing cotton linens for the beds. And, the Committee chose to serve the Ronald McDonald Houses this year in the Phoenix metro area since so many rural families use these houses the most.
The Arizona Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee presented 312 sheet sets yesterday to the Ronald McDonald House of Phoenix at 501 E Roanoke Avenue in Phoenix after raising $5,000 at a Silent Auction at the Arizona Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in November and receiving funding from the Arizona Cotton Growers and Corteva AgriScience. The “Comforting Kids in Cotton” campaign planned to raise enough money to purchase at least 200 sets of sheets for The Roanoke home but the additional contributions by Cotton Growers and Corteva helped them exceed their goal.
The Roanoke home in Phoenix welcomes 11,000 families a year and offers 17,000 nights of sleep to families with children in need of medical care and staff suggest are in constant need of fresh linens. Said Corteva AgriScience PhytoGen Cottonseed Representative for Arizona Kristen Nelson, “Cotton has many valuable uses and comforting kids in cotton has to be one of the best. We are so proud to be a part of this project.”
Arizona Cotton Growers President Art Heiden said, “Arizona Cotton Growers is happy to participate in Farm Bureau’s Comfort Kids in Cotton campaign. We’ve had a long tradition of helping the community at large and the Ronald McDonald House is a very worthwhile charity. Providing a home away from home for a family in crisis is something our Arizona farm and ranch families can so identify with.”
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