In 2016, Arizona hogs brought in $47.5 million in cash receipts to our state, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Statistical Services (USDA-NASS). Certainly, Arizona’s pork market is nothing compared to Iowa’s, one of the largest pork producing states in the nation. While small, we’re significant in the quality of pork meat we raise and the fact that Arizona’s always had hog production in our state.

While not as large as Iowa, pork production in Arizona is a significant contributor to our state's economy.

Additionally, our local pork market is worthy of paying attention to and if one goes to Fill Your Plate, you can source for pork farmers that will sell to you directly. Again, while not large, Arizona families can source for local pork with about six or seven local farmers.

If you’re looking for variety in your protein meats, pork is certainly another one of our go-to choices. Part of this might be because according to the National Pork Board, pork cuts are as lean or leaner than chicken. For those of us that would choose pork over chicken, this is a good fact to know.

And, not surprisingly, pork is an excellent source of a variety of nutrients besides just protein. Here’s the concise list:

·         thiamin,

·         niacin,

·         riboflavin,

·         vitamin B-6,

·         phosphorus,

·         zinc, and

·         potassium

Finally, pork is certified as heart-healthy by the American Heart Association.

Next time we wonder what’s pork’s agriculture significance in Arizona, we can say nearly $50 million.

Go to Arizona Farm Bureau’s Fill Your Plate for Pork recipes!

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