Mark your calendar for the 20th annual Women in Agriculture Conference, On Target for the Future, to be held at the Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park, July 14-15. The Conference is hosted by the Arizona Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee, the University of  Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Arizona Cattlewomen, Arizona Beef Council, Arizona Milk Producers and the Arizona Department of Ag.

This annual conference is open to anyone, male or female, interested in improving leadership, professional and personal skills. The conference theme, On Target for the Future.

Join friends for a tour of Danzeisen’s Dairy the evening before the conference on Thursday, July 14. Danzeisen’s was the first to offer glass bottles to grocers in the Phoenix market. Don’t forget to sample the milk flavors!

Thursday, July 14    

5:00 – 6:30 p.m.   Danzeisen’s Dairy tour

Friday, July 15

 7:30 a.m.         Registration 

8:00 a.m.         Welcome from Sine Kerr, Arizona Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee Chair

 8:30 a.m.         “Begin your Day with Egg-cellence! By Sharman Hickman, Hickman’s

                         Family Farms

9:30                   Mark Killian, Director of the Arizona Department of Agriculture “On Target: the Future of Arizona Agriculture"

10:30                Break

10:45                “A Women’s Place is in Control” by Mike Hayashi, M. Ed. Take Control, Media and Speaker

 11:45 p.m.        Networking Luncheon

 1:00 p.m.          “The Survival of Arizona Agriculture in the Age of Food Safety,”  by Paula Rivadeneira, Ph.D. University of Arizona, Yuma Ag Center                                Assistant Professor Extension Specialist, Food Safety and Wildlife   

2:00                  Dessert Break and Raffle drawing

 2:30                  “Self-Care in the Digital Age: How to live a mindful life in our digital, future-focused world,” by Melissa Estavillo, PsyD, Licensed                                      Clinical Psychologist, Biltmore Psychology and Counseling

 3:15                  “Get Your Social Media On,” by Breann Bierman, Director of Communications, Dairy Council of Arizona/Arizona Milk Producers

 4:00 p.m.          It’s a Wrap!  By Sherry Saylor, Chair of the American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee and Buckeye farmer                   

4:30                  Adjourn  

Location: Wigwam Resort, 300 Wigwam Blvd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Hotel reservations:  Call 800-327-0396 to book your hotel reservation by June 23, 2016 

To receive the special group rate of $97 (single & double) or $162 for large Suites,

identify yourself as a member of “Women in Agriculture.”

Download Conference registration:

 /ArticleFile/File/579D3A11-E6B3-443F-B491-F9211BEC6220/WIAC InvReg form 2016W.pdf 

For more information, contact Peggy Jo Goodfellow at 480.635.3609 or email her at .