As early as next week, Congress will begin the process of voting on H.R. 2, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 – more commonly known as the 2018 Farm Bill. Leadership on the House Agriculture Committee has given us a strong Farm Bill to work with, and now it’s time for us to do our part in making sure that bill crosses the finish line.

Our congressional delegation is home during this week’s recess, and according to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall, communicating with our lawmakers while they’re home is the most important thing we can do to ensure the Farm Bill’s successful passage:

“Every member of Congress needs to hear from as many farmers and ranchers as possible when they are back in their home districts next week. The 2018 farm bill still faces the risk of being broken apart and delayed past the current farm bill’s expiration date this fall. This is a risk we cannot take. This legislation is good for agriculture and will bring much-needed certainty to farm and ranch families.

Net farm incomes have dropped more than 50% in the last four years. That’s the largest four-year decline

since the Great Depression! Now more than ever, our farmers and ranchers need a safety net to keep our

country strong by providing consumers with safe, affordable, abundant food. And that’s just what the 2018 Farm Bill will provide!

Take a moment today to tell Arizona's representatives in Washington that the Farm Bill is essential to bring much-needed certainty to Arizona's Farm and Ranch families. 

No member of Congress should be left questioning how important this bill is to the livelihoods of America’s farmers and ranchers. We all know too well the pains caused by the current farm economy. Farm income is less than half of what it was just five years ago, and farmers continue to lose their share of the food dollar. We cannot risk this farm bill getting kicked down the road when farmers and ranchers need it most.”

Arizona Farm Bureau has made it easy for you to contact your legislators and tell them that the Farm Bill is key to the continued success of Arizona agriculture. Just go to our Action Center, where you can send a note to your representatives with a click of a button.

You can also visit AZFB’s social media pages on Facebook and Twitter to share more facts about why the Farm Bill is so important for Arizona. 

For even more ideas on how to reach out to your representatives, check out AFBF’s Tools to Get the Job Done

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