The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol announced today that enrollment for the 2023 crop year is open now through September 1, providing growers the opportunity to complete data entry prior to harvest. The updated timing also better aligns with peak cotton marketing dates and allows a member’s cotton to be verified and visible as Protocol Cotton bales right after ginning. 

This timing will also provide growers who are members of the program with additional benefits, including more timely insights that can be implemented into management plans as they work towards continuous improvement from pre-planting to post-harvest activities.   

The Trust Protocol is a voluntary, farm-level science-based sustainability program that is setting a new standard for delivering value to all stakeholders across the entire supply chain from farms to finished products. The program’s mission is to bring quantifiable and verifiable goals and measurements to the key sustainability metrics of U.S. cotton production.

“With the Trust Protocol all of our work begins with growers and as we look to continuously improve the program and provide further value, we’re pleased to share that the updated grower enrollment timing will better align with peak cotton marketing dates,” said Dr. Gary Adams, President of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol. “Knowing that more than half of the U.S. cotton crop is marketed within a critical three-month window beginning at the height of ginning in November, the transition will allow members’ cotton to be verified as Protocol Cotton on their initial Electronic Warehouse Receipt.”

“This means a grower member’s cotton can also be marketed as Protocol Cotton right after ginning and visible sooner for brands and retailers looking to source that fiber,” Adams continued. 

To date, the Trust Protocol has welcomed more than 1,200 brand, retailer, mill and manufacturer members, including Levi Strauss & Co., Old Navy, GapAmerican Eagle Outfitters, Inc., and J.Crew.   

As enrollment will now be open for four months, instead of 12, growers are encouraged to begin their data entry as soon as possible. The actual enrollment process will remain the same, with the only change being the window for data completion. In 2024, the program will further refine the grower enrollment window to begin in January and end prior to planting on May 1. Those interested in participating in the Climate Smart Cotton Program should also be watchful for Trust Protocol communications once the grant is finalized.

To complete enrollment and data entry for the 2023 crop year ahead of the September 1 deadline, growers can visit For enrollment assistance, contact


The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol is a voluntary, farm-level science-based sustainability program that is setting a new standard for delivering value to all stakeholders across the entire supply chain from farms to finished products. It is the only system that provides quantifiable, verifiable goals and measurements and drives continuous improvement in six key sustainability metrics – land use, soil carbon, water management, soil loss, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency.  It is also the world’s first sustainable cotton fiber program to offer article-level supply chain transparency to all members.    

The Trust Protocol is overseen by a multi-stakeholder Board of Directors comprised of representatives from brands and retailers, civil society and independent sustainability experts as well as the cotton-growing industry, including growers, ginners, merchants, wholesalers and cooperatives, mills and cottonseed handlers.