Webinar Wednesday Kickoff: All About Livestock Issues
We could not be more excited to launch the first of our Webinar Wednesday series this coming Wednesday!
The kickoff webinars are all about issues that matter to our ranchers and other livestock producers. At 10:00, we’ll hear a report from American Farm Bureau’s Livestock Markets Working Group, with a live question and answer session with AFBF Congressional Relations Director Scott Bennett. This report covers everything about the who, what, where, and why of the pandemic-related livestock pricing disruptions and what American Farm Bureau is doing to engage on that issue in Washington and locally.
Next up, at 12:00, we’ll have a discussion with special guest Kurt Davis, Chairman of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. He’ll share his insight on some of the latest happening at Game and Fish, including a proposed rule to ban the use of game cameras for the take of wildlife. He’ll also give us an update on the Mexican Gray Wolf reintroduction program, and talk about what Game and Fish is doing to promote good relationships between landowners and lessees, especially in the face of a mass increase in outdoor recreation over the last six months. After our discussion, Kurt will be answering questions live on the air.
If the subject matter alone doesn’t make you want to tune in, it’s also important to note that these topics were selected specifically because they will be up for discussion during our virtual delegate session. Specifically, there are policy proposals from various counties that would have Arizona Farm Bureau take a decisive stance on livestock marketing regulations and the use of game cameras. These webinars will help our delegates be as informed as possible prior to any debate on the delegate floor.
While we’d all prefer to have these sessions in person, like we’d normally do at an annual meeting, we’re hoping that the virtual format has the silver lining of allowing more of our members to participate, as well as provide us with more time with the experts themselves. Be sure and register today, and tune in at ten and noon on Wednesday, November 4!
Don’t forget to share your takeaways and thoughts on our webinars using the hashtag #AZFBWebinarWednesdays.
Editor's Note: To Register: https://www.azfb.org/Article/Wednesday-Webinar-Series