Teacher Resources are developed with the teacher and classroom environment in mind. Resources include classroom presentations, curriculum kits, lesson ideas, and our year-long Farm Friday Fun programming. Be sure to reach out to scheduleaitc@azfb.org to schedule your presentation or reserve your resource.
Virtual Resources were developed to be used in a virtual learning experience, with your student during in-person learning, or any other environment you find yourself in. Bitmoji classrooms, escape rooms, virtual presentations, and Online Storytime will provide your student's with information about agriculture in an engaging way. 
Ag Mags are developed as an Agricultural Magazine for kids. These downloadable newspapers will allow students the opportunity to read informational text as they discover the world of Arizona Agriculture. What Ag Mags are available?

Arizona Five C Ag Mag.pdf 
Arizona Five C Ag Mag SPANISH.pdf
AZ Fruit and Veggie AgMag.pdf
AZ Specialty Crop AgMag.pdf
Energy and Agriculture AgMag.pdf
Arizona Greetings Spanish 2023.pdf
Arizona Greetings English 2023.pdf
Ag Games Games, games, and more games! Try your hand at one of a dozen online agriculture games. They may be educational, but you are sure to have a good time!