Justen Ollendick, Arizona Farm Bureau Intern: You may have come across a few profile articles on Arizona farming and ranching families either on The Voice blog at azfb.org, or encountered it on one of our social media channels! Our vision is to capture every Arizona Farm Bureau member that has a farming, ranching, or agribusiness focused entity, or family history therein. So don’t be bashful when you are contacted by one of Arizona Farm Bureau’s Communications team member to tell your family’s story!

The next generation of Arizona farmers and ranchers: Pearson family kids. 

Here's stories we've featured so far:

  1. Pearson Family (melons and cotton): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/397989/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Pearson-Family 
  2. Hatley family (Cotton and sweet corn): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/396990/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Hatley-Family
  3. Caywood family: (Various corps): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/397515/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Caywood-Family
  4. Ware Family (various crops): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/396616/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Ware-Family
  5. Ott Family (various crops): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/396438/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Ott-Family
  6. Gasho Family (ranching): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/394554/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Gasho-Family
  7. Glenn Family (ranching): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/394424/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Glenn-Family
  8. Murdock Family (various crops): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/394086/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Murdock-Family
  9. Murphree Family (Cotton, Wheat and alfalfa): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/393821/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Murphree-Family
  10. Morrison Family (crops, livestock): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/392868/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Richard-Morrison-Family
  11. Sloan Family (Equine Business, Livestock): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/391892/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Sloan-Family
  12. Creech Family (direct-to-market farming, retail farmer): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/391022/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Korin-Creech
  13. Kerr Family (dairy): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/390503/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Kerr-Family
  14. Anderson Family (direct-to-market farming, retail farmer): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/386859/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Janna-Anderson
  15. Mortimer Family (direct-to-market farm, cattle, plant nursery):http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/385355/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Mortimer-Family
  16. Johnson Family (cattle): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/385039/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Johnson-Family
  17. Hauser Family (cattle): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/383699/Meet-Arizona-Agricuture-s-Hauser-Family
  18. Saylor Family (cotton, alfalfa, small grains): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/382165/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Saylor-Family
  19. Graham Family (wine grapes, pistachios): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/381317/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Graham-Family
  20. Caballero Family (dairy): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/379694/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Caballero-Family
  21. Don Van Hofwegen Family (dairy): http://info.azfb.org/blog/bid/378793/Meet-Arizona-Agriculture-s-Donald-Van-Hofwegen-Family

Yours is missing from the list!!!!
But obviously we've got a lot of stories to cover. Yours is very important to us. If you want, feel free to answer the questions below. Send your answers to Julie Murphree at juliemurphree@azfb.org, including a family farm or ranch photo, and we'll share your story!

1. Tell us about your farm, ranch, and equine business.
2. What changes have you seen in your lifetime as it relates to farming and/or ranching?
3. Why did you choose to go into agriculture?
4. Will anyone in your family - younger generation - pursue farming and/or ranching?
5. Would you ever consider growing an emerging crop or changing your farm or ranch model?
6. What are your community activities? Why are you involved?
7. What is one fact/experience/achievement no one knows about you?
8. What do you think you do really well? Explain.
9. Why are you a farm bureau member?
10. How will the next generation of farmers have to operate?

If we don't tell our Arizona agriculture story, someone else will tell it for us ... and often, they don't get it right. So, it's up to us to share our amazing farm and ranch experiences!You can find these articles at info.azfb.org/blog to read. If you wish to participate, please shoot an email to any of the communications team members, or give us a call at 480.635.3607.

Join our Family!