By Peggy Jo Goodfellow, Arizona Farm Bureau: There’s nothing a family looks forward to more than off-roading for recreation with ATVs. Whether you’re leaving the blacktop behind for family fun and adventure, or to meet the day-to-day needs of your agriculture operation, the number one goal of every ride should be to make sure you can do it again tomorrow. That’s what makes off-road vehicle safety such an essential topic.

For ATV riders, it’s important to know your skill level and not exceed your capabilities – that means taking the appropriate training from and actively practicing the maneuvers you’ve learned until you can perform them consistently. Every rider needs to remember that ATVs are not designed for wheelies, jumps, or stunts. And don’t forget: one machine, one rider. Never carry a passenger unless the vehicle is designed for tandem riding.

 Tips for an enjoyable off-road experience:

  • Always wear a helmet. Helmets are the single most effective means of preventing head injuries that result in death or permanent disability.
  • If you don’t have a full-face helmet, wear goggles to protect your eyes from blowing debris, sun and wind. They allow you to see better too.
  • Off-road you may not have cell service … ride with at least one other person.
  • Take plenty of water on your ride …even for short rides this is a must.
  • Never carry a passenger unless your vehicle is designed for tandem riding.

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